Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who Is YOUR favorite character of all time and WHY? #NaBloPoMo

This month I am working on a series of posts for NaBloPoMo. Each day we receive a topic and we write a post based on the subject for the day. The prompt for 11/4/13  is:

 Who is your favorite character of all time and why?

My answer to this would be Peter Pan. Why you ask? Three Reasons!

1: Because he can fly! I mean really who wouldn't love to be able to fly around anywhere you wanted especially with the cost of gas these days! Worried about what's going on with your kids or your husband? Well worry no more, just fly on over and check out the situation.

2: He NEVER ages! No more daily moisturizers to keep the wrinkles and fine lines away! That has got to be Heaven!

3: WHO wouldn't like to be a leader of a gang called The Lost Boys, living in a place called Neverland,  surrounded by Fairies, Pirates and Mermaids?? That's like everyone's dream right?

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